Welcome to the latest issue of The Right Tea Newsletter!
Teapots are an essential item when it comes time to brew your tea. Sure, you could brew tea directly in your mug, but if you want to brew more than a cup at a time and make the most out of great quality loose leaf tea, then a teapot is the way to go.
Some teapots are small and some are big. Some are cheap and some are incredibly expensive. Some are made of glass, of clay, of steel, of porcelain or even silver. There are teapots to suit all tastes and wallets.
In this issue we will be focusing on one very special type of teapot: the Yixing teapot. A Chinese teapot that is made of a special clay and is usually small.
If you own an Yixing teapot, you should know how to properly care for it so that you can enjoy the best possible tea brewed inside it.
Let’s begin!
Yixing teapots are either simple little clay teapots or amazingly complex works of art. They are made specifically from Chinese purple clay from the area of Yixing called Zisha.
In China there are records that show that this type of clay was being used for teapots since the Song Dynasty (10th to 13th century). Over time these little teapots were not only used to serve tea, but were also being collected as valued items.
Today teapots are still shaped and carved by hand, but casts are also being used to produce different items of Yixing tea ware.
Yixing purple clay is a highly valued material because it gives the teapot a porous nature that will absorb the flavor of the tea over time. It is even said that the clay itself improves the flavor of the tea.
How to use your teapot
How to clean your teapot
Using and caring for your teapot will allow you to have wonderfully brewed tea for many years. And, in time, you may be even lucky enough to enjoy the rare pleasure of filling your teapot with boiling water alone and getting a tea-flavored brew as a result.
Find out more about these little teapots, how to use them and what teas are best recommended for Yixing teapots here:
Enjoy your teapot for years to come!
More articles about tea are coming, so keep on the lookout for the next issue of our newsletter. While you wait, look around our website and learn more about tea and its health benefits.
Until then make sure to follow us on Facebook for daily tips and other wonderful tea related items.
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